Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order isn’t a groundbreaking, narrative-heavy reinterpretation of the comic characters you know and love, but then again neither were the first two games. Juegos De 2
In that regard, it’s a very faithful sequel that mines the vast roster of characters from the comics while including plenty of nods to the current state of the more modern Marvel Cinematic Universe.
While it doesn’t do anything particularly new or outstanding, it embraces the brainless fun of its brawler/hack-and-slash combat with gusto, and it’s at its absolute best when played with a team of player-controlled supers. Juegos 1000 Gratis
This one veers well into the RPG arena, too, but given the sheer quantity of action on offer, we couldn't resist adding it here. Feel free to Thanos finger-snap it from existence if you like.